In today’s supply chain industry, women continue to face unique challenges, including overcoming imposter syndrome. Alma Arzate, with her 25 years of experience in various sectors, shares her insights on this topic.

Having worked across Mexico, the US, and Canada, Alma has navigated male-dominated industries and understands the difficulties women often face in finding their voice and building confidence in leadership roles.

In this discussion, she offers practical advice for women striving to succeed in supply chain, focusing on the importance of self-confidence, mentorship, and authenticity.

Watch the video below for detailed information on this topic.



Women in Supply Chain and Imposter Syndrome


Alma highlighted how the lack of female role models in leadership early in her career contributed to her own feelings of imposter syndrome. Supply chain has traditionally been male-dominated, and Alma explained that being one of only a few women in leadership made it harder to picture herself in those senior roles.


Building Self-Confidence to Overcome Imposter Syndrome


One major factor Alma emphasized in overcoming imposter syndrome is building self-confidence. According to her, confidence grows with experience and success, but it’s often difficult to achieve when you don’t see people like yourself in leadership. Alma shared that she didn’t find her voice until her mid-30s. She reflected on earlier in her career when she often stayed quiet in meetings, feeling intimidated by more assertive personalities. Over time, though, she pushed herself to speak up, which allowed her confidence to grow and created a positive feedback loop.


The Importance of Mentorship in Leadership Development


Mentorship has also been a critical part of Alma’s journey. She credited many of her male mentors for sponsoring and promoting her, providing her with challenging yet rewarding opportunities. These mentors were instrumental in helping her grow into her leadership roles.


Alma’s Advice for Women in Supply Chain Leadership


For women aiming to climb the corporate ladder in supply chain, Alma’s number one piece of advice is to use your voice and speak up. The more you practice this, the greater your confidence becomes, which in turn leads to increased effectiveness in your career. Authenticity is also key—finding your own style and staying true to yourself as you grow in leadership is essential for long-term success.


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Rob O’Byrne
Phone: +61 417 417 307