Slotting is the shorthand term for the process of allocating product, (SKU’s), to locations in the Warehouse according to business rules and product characteristics. It is normally restricted to the picking face or on-line locations only however it can impose some...
It’s not uncommon for delegates at our workshops and seminars to ask us to can share our ‘rules of thumb’ on warehouse design. Therefore, we thought we’d put them here in an article, so anyone can refer to them when necessary. We’ve also added a...
Warehouse and distribution centre (DC) design is a fascinating and absorbing topic, but alas, is often misunderstood. Regrettably, few people fully understand the discipline of warehouse design and because of this, literally thousands of facilities are...
In this post, I’d like to talk about the key factors that will impact on the optimum facility network and design required to meet your warehousing or storage requirements. Since I first published this article back in 2009, warehouse design principles haven’t...
This article, written by Mal Walker, formerly a manager at Logistics Bureau, was first published in the January / February 2018 issue of MHD Supply Chain Solutions. It has since been expanded with some additional details about warehouse and inventory management...
Here are the 9 easiest, fastest, and most effective ways to boost your Supply Chain performance. And discover the respective term of each area in these 3 categories: Short, Medium, and Long. Watch this: Related articles on this topic have appeared...