If you run a fleet of delivery vehicles, you will know how hard it is to maximize the capacity and time utilization of the fleet. Here is the Number 1 factor that helps increase that vehicle utilization…
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How to Pick the Right Freight Rate
To give you a clearer insight into different freight or trucking rates in your supply chain and help you pick what’s best for your business, watch this episode…
5 Biggest Supply Chain Levers for 2021
Suppose you want to fix up your supply chain business and make the whole thing more efficient. What do you think you need to work on specifically?…
12 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Freight Costs
ARTICLE SUMMARY A common conundrum for companies is how to reduce their freight costs, which due to a recovery in demand following the Covid-19 pandemic have skyrocketed. Putting a lid on escalating freight costs has now become more important than ever. There...