Supply Chain and Logistics Blog
How to Boost Your Warehouse Performance – Some Quick Tips
Improving warehouse performance is a top priority for many businesses. Focusing on the FACTS framework enhance efficiency. Consistency in operations is also crucial for sustained improvement. John highlighted the importance of standardized operating procedures to ensure that all team members follow the same methods. This consistency supports safety measures and lays the groundwork for identifying and implementing improvements…
Warehouse Capacity FIX – What Works
When faced with limited warehouse space, the issue often lies in the underuse of vertical space. While locations may seem full, there might still be available cubic capacity. A simple solution is to install additional shelving or beams, optimizing the existing racking system. By adjusting the height of pallet slots and fitting smaller items in the same footprint, warehouses can create more storage capacity without major investment…
How to STOP Order Profitability Leaks – Logistics Costs
The main reason businesses often overlook these issues is that fixing them feels too complicated. Addressing loss-making products and customers requires a cross-functional approach, which means it’s not just about improving one area of the business. It’s a holistic problem that spans procurement, inventory management, customer service, and forecasting. Take low-margin products, for example. Companies often resist eliminating unprofitable products because they’re concerned about disrupting their product range or losing sales…
Easy Logistics Cost Reduction – But Few People Do This
Small orders are a hidden cost center. Most businesses have a mix of small, medium, and large orders, but the small ones are the real culprits when it comes to logistics inefficiency. They tend to cost more to process and deliver than larger orders, making them a prime area for cost reduction. By reviewing your order patterns, you can identify where smaller orders are unnecessarily inflating your logistics costs…
Managing your Supply Chain Team: Interview with Alma Arzate
One critical approach emphasized was the situational leadership model, which encourages leaders to adjust their management styles based on team members’ unique skills and readiness. This flexibility allows leaders to provide appropriate support, particularly when someone transitions into a new role…
Warehouse Capacity – How to Increase It and Avoid Moving
One of the major challenges many companies face today is warehouse capacity. This is a trend we’ve seen at Logistics Bureau over the past few years. Initially, it was triggered by the pandemic, but it has continued to be an issue as businesses expand, merge, and acquire new operations…
Women in Supply Chain – Imposter Syndrome – with Alma Arzate
In today’s supply chain industry, women continue to face unique challenges, including overcoming imposter syndrome. Alma Arzate, with her 25 years of experience in various sectors, shares her insights on this topic. The lack of female role models in leadership early in her career contributed to her own feelings of imposter syndrome…
Order Profitability – Online Audit
All Supply Chain and Logistics operations leak profits. It’s natural. But are you aware of it? Sadly, normal reporting systems don’t report very well at a customer and product profitability levels. They tend to report aggregate figures. And so these very common losses are ‘hidden’ within the data. It’s very common to have at least 10% of your customers orders as loss makers. And I’ve seen as high as 81%…